Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Medical Monitoring Continues to Save Lives

One of the most critical times in the treatment of cardiac arrest victims is the several minutes between calling 911 and the arrival of first responders, and then the transport of the patient to a hospital. As this Wall Street Journalarticle discusses, advances in medical technology are helping to make those minutes productive ones, rather than tense ones that can often feel like a waiting game. From automatic chest compressors to patient body temperature reducers – which can help preserve brain function when oxygen is cut off – these devices and the skilled paramedics who use them are a key part of exponentially improving chances of survival and recovery.

To us at Devar, though, the technology that most stood out to us was the digital transmission system used to communicate with the destination hospital, sending electrocardiogram (ECG) results ahead of the ambulance, so that upon arrival, the victim is ready to be treated. These few extra minutes of assessment and treatment can make a huge difference. Remote telemetry and monitoring are hugely important parts of the continuing evolution of health care, and these advances are among the most exciting in recent memory. For more information on medical monitoring, contact Devar today.

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